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2019 OTC Show

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

2019 OTC Show
2019 OTC Show

This year marked the 50th anniversary of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), and Stevie Treece, Julie Alexander and Trevor Henkler represented Daman Products at the show. 

Most notably different from years past was the impressive global presence representing the type of change that we have seen in the industry. The show welcomed 59,200 attendees from over 100 countries. 15,000 attendees were from outside of the U.S. Over 2,300 exhibiting companies were featured hailing from more than 40 countries, of which 328 exhibitors were new exhibitors and 52% of total exhibitors were from overseas.

As usual, there was a strong presence of fluid power machinery and personnel. One of the more notable pieces of fluid-powered technology was the seismic surveying equipment which happens to be a heavy user of hydraulics. 

While the overall offshore market remains stagnant, as it has been for the past three years, the conference itself was full of innovative technology including major machine installations, holograms, and interactive displays for both offshore and onshore markets. 

“Offshore is a bit of a misnomer,” Trevor explains. “There was onshore equipment too within all of the related industries for both.” 

“The size and scale of this show is difficult to fathom,” he continues. “Many of the companies have very detailed models of the equipment they are selling because their machines are much too large to bring to a show (i.e. quarter-mile long oil tankers, semi-submersible drilling rigs, jack boats, pipeline / umbilical laying ships, etc).”  In comparison to these massive pieces of equipment, the displays that were present appeared quite small, even though these "smaller" displays included 2,500 hp, 60,000+ lb Frac trailers.

For those who haven’t made it to an OTC Show before, Trevor offers some advice for first-time attendees. “Wear comfortable shoes and you might see half the show.” It takes time to get through the enormous displays and numerous vendors. The OTC is one of the industry’s most celebrated shows and you’ll definitely be glad you attended! 

To learn more about the conference agenda and outcomes, visit their website

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