Daman Products can now leverage our specialized tooling solutions to capture Kepner Product's valves in manifold assemblies. This new strategic alliance allows Daman to directly purchase Kepner valves and offer our distributors alternative solutions using Kepner’s innovative insert valve solutions.
Adjustable Relief Valves
Daman has decades of experience working with the most popular Kepner check/relief valve sizes, including the 2206, 2208, 2210, as well as the larger sizes 2212 and 2216.
Shuttle Valves
Daman's experience, design concepts and tooling allow us to retain some of the most popular Kepner trap-in-shuttle valves, including valve 2256.
Lock Valves
Daman has access to some of the most popular Kepner lock valves including valve 2750.
Kepner Valve Benefits
Positive leakage control of liquid or gas.
Full range of sizes from micro-mini to 500 GPM
Pressure ratings up to 6000 psi
Compact, flexible manifold configurations utilizing Kepner insert style valve configurations
More About Kepner
Zero Leak Valves Since 1948
Kepsel® cartridge valves are designed for simple installation (no expensive machining for cavity) and offer the same outstanding performance as their counterpart Kep-O-seal® inline valves. Kepner's Flexible Seal Seat™ ensures bubble-tight shutoff of liquid or gas, and long service life. Standard and specialty valve designs handle a wide variety of applications and are ideal for use in subplate and manifold assemblies.
Check Valves
These spring-operated poppet valves, with optional relief settings, allow free flow in only one direction and prevent backflow. They also are used for relief and by-pass functions. Check valves including the following features:
Body Materials: Brass, Steel, 303 or 316 Stainless Steel
O-Ring Seals: Buna-N, Neoprene, Viton®, EP, others available
Temperature: -300°F to 450°F (-184°C to 232°C), O-Ring dependent
Check Crack Pressure: 1 to 2 PSI (.07 bar to .14 bar)
Relief/Check Crack Pressures: 5 PSI (.35 bar), 10 PSI (0.7 bar), 25 PSI (1.7 bar), 50 PSI (3.5 bar) and 65 PSI (4.5 bar), others available
Operating Pressure: to 3000 PSI (207 bar)
Flow: to 200 GPM (757 LPM)
Adjustable Relief Valves
These adjustable, spring-loaded poppet valves are used to limit system pressure. Excess pressure unseats the poppet, allowing flow with minimal increase in system pressure. As fluid is released the system pressure decreases until the spring force re-seats the poppet. The relief pressure can be set using a tamperproof internal adjustment screw. Adjustable relief valves include the following features:
Body Materials: Steel, 303 Stainless Steel
O-Ring Seals:Teflon® (requires minimum 5 PSI crack pressure), others available
Temperature: -300°F to 450°F (-184°C to 232°C), O-Ring dependent
Crack Pressure Ranges: Adjustable 50 to 2000 PSI (3.5 to 138 bar)
3 Spring Ranges: 50 to 400 PSI (3.5 to 28 bar), 300 to 1000 PSI (21 to 69 bar), 900 to 2000 PSI (62 to 138 bar); factory preset pressure available
Operating Pressure: to 3000 PSI (207 bar)
Flow: to 10 GPM (38 LPM)
Shuttle Valves
The shuttle valve permits flow from either of two inlet ports to a common outlet. A free floating metal ball shuttles according to the relative pressure at the two inlets. The higher pressure inlet flows through the valve and moves the ball to close the opposite inlet. Shuttle valves can also flow in the reverse direction and relieve system pressure when input is removed. Shuttle valves include the following features:
Non-biased free floating shuttle ball with short travel path
Minimal pressure differential shifting
Body Materials: Brass, Steel, 303 Stainless Steel
O-Ring Seals: Buna-N, Neoprene, Teflon®, Viton®, EP, others available
Temperature: -300°F to 450°F (-184°C to 232°C), O-Ring dependent
Operating Pressure: to 3000 PSI (207 bar)
Flow: to 60 GPM (227 LPM)
Lock Valves
The cartridge lock valves combine a check valve with a rugged pilot operator. They free flow from valve port to cylinder port (or portion of circuit) and "lock" reverse flow until pilot pressure is applied to unlock the internal check valve and allow reverse flow. Kepner's Flexible Seal Seat™ provides positive bubble-tight locking to prevent load drift or circuit creep, and answers the need where internal leakage could adversely affect performance such as with clamping cylinders or outrigger stabilizer jacks. Lock valves include the following features:
Basic pilot ratio 3:1 (others available)
Surge flow protected with calibrated pilot orifice
Body: Steel; Pilot Piston: Stainless; Poppet, Retainer, Rod: Steel
O-Ring Seals: Teflon® (internal check valve), Buna-N (external body chamfer)
Temperature: -40°F to 300°F (-40°C to 149°C), O-Ring dependent
Operating Pressure: to 3000 PSI (207 bar)
Flow: to 40 GPM (151 LPM)
Daman AMVP - Assembled Manifold Valve Products
We have evolved our services to include the sourcing, assembly, testing and drop shipping of custom manifold assemblies. Daman offers these integrated solutions with valves and filter cartridges, and in a variety of different materials – ductile, aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel.
By sourcing components directly from valve manufacturers and completing the manifold assembly at our factory in Mishawaka, we are able to reduce supply chain delays for distributors. We have also partnered with nearly 50 major valve manufacturers to inventory over 750 cartridge cavity tools for quick turnaround of integrated solutions.
Additional Reading About Daman Partnerships
Contact Us
To learn more about our full range of integrated solutions, including our Kepner valves, contact us at info@daman.com today.